
Swifty and taymoo
Swifty and taymoo

swifty and taymoo

Rewards include: Six achievements, the character title /, 10 different battle pets, including Egbert, Peanut, and Sleepy Willy.

swifty and taymoo

Locations: Get started by visiting the Orphan Matrons in Stormwind, Orgrimmar, Shattrath City, or Dalaran. Throughout the year, they often spend their time wandering around their home cities of Stormwind or Orgrimmar, dreaming of the day they'll be old enough (and big enough) to venture out into the world to see the sights their parents would have shown them. Many orphans wish they had someone special to show them the wonders of the world. Take an orphan under your wing, perform the tasks you are presented with and you’ll show one of Azeroth’s children that you care during Children's Week! Many heirloom items and heirloom upgrades. Replica armor sets for all classes, such as the famous Lightforge set for Paladins. Two mounts: Darkmoon Dancing Bear and Swift Forest Strider. Rewards include:Seventeen different battle pets such as the Darkmoon Tonk, Darkmoon Zeppelin, and Darkmoon Monkey. Location: Darkmoon Island, via portals just outside Thunder Bluff and Stormwind. While the Faire spends most of its time in parts unknown, they are available from time to time by accessing portals in Mulgore and Elwynn Forest.

swifty and taymoo

Gathering the exotic from around the world, Silas Darkmoon presents a celebration of the wonders and mysteries found in Azeroth. You’ll be amazed! You aren’t prepared for the Darkmoon Faire, ‘cause it’s like nothing you’ve seen before! Don’t be shy now, don’t be bashful, step right up for a tantalizing glimpse of what we've got in store for you! It’s incredible! It’s unbelievable! You’ll be dazzled. Rewards include: The character title, eight achievements, Tome of Polymorph: Rabbit, Festival Garments, Blossoming Branch, the Spring Rabbit battle pet, the Swift Springstrider mount. Locations: Azure Watch, Dolanaar, Goldshire, Kharanos, Brill, Razor Hill, Bloodhoof Village, Falconwing Square, Shattrath City. Whether you celebrate Noblegarden in the traditional manner or you have a yearning for chocolates and festive garments, we hope you’re able to come together and give yourselves a break from the conflict between Horde and Alliance. While some races of Azeroth try to stay true to the original spirit of the holiday, others prefer a more lighthearted approach-in essence, looking everywhere for festively decorated eggs and collecting the goodies found within. Though its origins are steeped in druidic festivals from times long past, the current incarnation of Noblegarden is a contrast between ancient traditions and modern interpretations. These eggs are then scattered around major cities for the citizenry to find. During this joyous event, it is customary for the nobles and lords from each race to hide coins, candy, and the occasional treasures within special eggs painted to look like wildflowers. The great feast of Noblegarden has long been celebrated by the races of the Alliance and recently adopted by those of the Horde. What follows is a handy breakdown of some of what’s in store for you in April, so you can make the most of your time. The month of April is a time for fun and growth, and it’s going to be a busy time for players all over Azeroth and Draenor.

Swifty and taymoo